0151 226 1740

Ranworth Square Primary


Living and Growing Plants

Living and Growing Plants

Living and Growing – Plants

As you are aware, we did lots of work on growing plants and the life cycle of plants last term. We found out about a variety of seeds and bulbs and planted our own broad beans. Once the young plants were beginning to mature they were sent home. Elliott brought a photo into school showing how much his broad bean plant had grown. Hopefully some of the plants will eventually have their own bean pods.

Levi was very interested in our topic and brought in some leaves to show the class. He made a very detailed drawing of them in his choosing time. We also made some observational paintings of spring flowers but we used food colour instead of paint. This was an opportunity for us to look in detail at the different parts of the plant such as the stem, petals, roots and leaves and learn those names. We had fun measuring our daffodils and we were able to observe and talk about the changes that took place when the flowers died.

This term we will be continuing to find out more about plants because we intend to grow our own salad and when it is ready we will harvest it to make delicious sandwiches. We have prepared some pots and planted the salad seeds ready for this.


Watch this space for what happens next!